Helper functions

The following functions are implemented for convenience and for easier converting code from other platforms.

ifelse(bool c, var x, var y): var

ifelse(bool c, int x, int y): int

ifelse(bool c, string x, string y): string

Returns x when the expression or condition c is true or nonzero, otherwise y.


c - any integer or boolean expression.
x,y - variable, constant, or string, both of the same type.


x when c is true, otherwise y.

once(bool c): int

Helper function; returns nonzero when its c parameter became true or nonzero the first time in a session or backtest. Afterwards it returns 0 regardless of c. Can only be called once per bar.


c - any integer or boolean expression.


1 when called the first time with a nonzero c, otherwise 0.

changed(var V): int

Helper function; returns 1 when its V value has increased since the last bar, -1 when it has decreased, 0 otherwise. Can be called multiple times per bar. Creates an internal series (see remarks). Source code in indicators.c


V - any variable.


1 or -1 when V has changed since the last bar, otherwise 0.

barssince(bool c): int

Returns the number of bars or time frames since the expression or condition c was true or nonzero the last time, or -1 when it was never true. This function internally creates series (see remarks). Source code in indicators.c


c - any integer or boolean expression.


Number of bars, 0 when true on the current bar, -1 when never true.

cum(var Inc): var

Accumulates Inc at any bar, and returns the sum. This function internally creates a series (see remarks). Source code in indicators.c


Inc - variable to be added.


Sum of all Inc values so far.

valuewhen(bool c, vars Data, int n): var

Returns the Data value at which the expression or condition c was true or nonzero on the n-th most recent occurrence. This function internally creates series (see remarks). Source code in indicators.c.


c - any integer or boolean expression.
Data - data series of LookBack elements.
n - number of occurrences, 1 = most recent, 2 = second most recent etc.


Data[i] when c was true the n-th time i bars ago, otherwise 0



var MaxOfXY = ifelse(X > Y,X,Y);         
var CloseAtLastCross = valuewhen(crossOver(Data1,Data2),seriesC(),1); 
if(once(!is(LOOKBACK))) printf("\nEnd of lookback reached!");

See also:

abs, min, max, between, sign, clamp, if, fix0

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